Whether you’re a gaming newbie or a seasoned pro, adding a gaming monitor to your arsenal is an essential investment. With crisp visuals and higher refresh rates than TVs, gaming monitors help you enjoy a truly immersive experience. And, as a tech expert, reviewer, TV presenter and videographer, Elly Awesome sure knows her kit. Here, she shares her thoughts on the Acer Nitro VG271 Gaming Monitor, from the initial unboxing to the overall gameplay.

First Impressions

This is Acer’s LCD gaming monitor called Nitro, which is part of the VG1 series. This model in particular is called the VG271 and it looks great, plus there are some really nice textures going on at the back. It’s got a great energy rating, too!

Simple Connections and Controls

The back of the Acer gaming monitor reveals HDMI and display ports and setting buttons.

In the box, there’s an HDMI cable and a power cable included. It doesn’t look like the longest cable – I’d say around 1.5 metres – so bear that in mind, although it was fine for my own setup and did the trick. 

On the back of the gaming monitor, there are two HDMI ports, a display port and a 3.5mm headphone jack. Over on the side you have the all-important buttons to adjust the settings of the monitor, including the on/off button and a little joystick to navigate the menu.

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Quality Features for Seamless Gaming

Unboxing the Acer Nitro VG1 reveals a sleek, ready-to-go 165Hz gaming monitor.

This is a 27-inch 1080p HD monitor, but one of its most notable features, and one that gamers will be looking out for, is the fact it is a 165Hz gaming monitor. This higher refresh rate means you can easily play games at 120fps (frames per second), making your reactions during gaming easier. It also has AMD FreeSync Premium to help eliminate choppy gameplay and provide smooth visuals, which, in certain scenarios, reduces lag immensely. 

The screen quality and brightness is really impressive, and there are adjustable display controls and a gaming mode so you can really get the most out of your monitor. Also, as a bonus, the Nitro VG271 has built-in speakers. They’re of average quality, but it’s still a win for those who are working from home and don’t want to put on a headset to quickly watch a video. 

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Universal Mounting System

Attaching the stand is really simple, although, in terms of sturdiness, it’s a little bit wobbly. But the good news is this gaming monitor is VESA-compatible, which is the universal standard for attaching flat-panel displays to monitor mounts. The Acer Nitro VG271 has a four-screw mounting system on the back, so you can easily fix it to all sorts of monitor arms or even attach it to a wall.

While the Nitro has no pivot, swivel or height adjustment, the screen does boast a 20-degree tilt. That’s handy, but just keep in mind you’ll have to use your own monitor stand if you want to adjust the height in any way. You might also like to pop this gaming monitor on a standing desk where you adjust it to just how you like it. 

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The Verdict

Tech reviewer Elly Awesome thinks the Acer Nitro Gaming Monitor is perfect for all gamers – particularly those on a budget.

Overall, this monitor has a really good all-round user experience and the display – the most important part, in my opinion! – looks great. I can highly recommend it for gamers, especially those who are on a budget. But if you’re also just looking for a gaming monitor that’s great for working from home, this is definitely something to consider. 

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