Children love making homemade cards on special occasions and this one gives them a chance to really work those fine motor skills. Not only will they flex their scissor dexterity, kids will also be practising folding, writing and tracing too. This kind of exercise is excellent for concentration and even bilateral coordination as they use both hands to create the doors, hearts and more. To craft their bear hug Father’s Day card, all they need is some coloured paper, markers, scissors and a glue stick. And, best of all, once they get the hang of it they can make hug cards for other family and friends throughout the year too.

Step 1: Make the Base of Your Father’s Day Card

Step-by-step easy DIY project idea for kids to make a homemade Father’s Day card.

Fold a piece of blue A4 paper so each side meets in the middle, making ‘doors’. Trim a few centimetres off the top of the door. This will allow the bear's head to pop out of the top of the card later.

Step 2: Create Your Bear Hug

How to make an easy homemade DIY Father’s Day card with the kids.

Cut out a bear shape, with big open arms and a head that will peek out the top of the doors. Kids can either freestyle draw their own, or smaller children might need help tracing a bear that you pre-prepare with them. (You can use our PDF template.) Then have them write a message on the bear’s tummy like, “Here’s a big bear hug!”

Step 3: Decorate the Bear and Card

Father’s Day card message idea for a DIY homemade bear hug card kids can make.

Glue the bear inside the card. Next up, they can cut out some heart shaped pads and glue them onto the bear’s paws. Did you know, if you want to cut a heart that is even on both sides, fold your red paper in half and cut half a heart next to the fold in the paper. As you open it, it will be the same on both sides! This works for butterflies and stars, too.

Step 4: Add the Face Details to Your Bear

Father’s Day card idea for kids to make an easy bear hug card as a craft project.

Close the doors to your card and note how much of the bear’s head peeks out. Open it back up and add the eyes, nose and mouth, keeping them hidden behind the blue doors for an added surprise.

Step 5: Add a Greeting on the Front

Cute DIY Father’s Day card and message ideas for kids to make for dad.

Cut out a rectangle and write ‘Dear Dad’ on it, then snip it in half, and attach each half to the front sides of the card.

Step 6: Write a Heartfelt Message to Dad

Kids will love making this easy DIY bear hug card for dad this Father’s Day.

Open the card back up to make sure everything is in place, then write your Father’s Day card message to dad inside, before closing and popping it onto his present or just presenting it to him with a kiss!

What You’ll Need

Craft supplies you need to make a DIY Father’s Day card with the kids.

This article was originally published in July 2020 and has been updated.